How to edit or suspend a schedule

How to Edit a Schedule

To edit a schedule (e.g. change time or frequency) you can do this from the Home tab and then tap the "Schedules" button in the bottom right corner of the toolbar. Tap the schedule you'd like to edit and then tap the "< Back" button in the top navigation bar and the changes will save.

- If a schedule you are updating has at least one item completed today, the change will become effective tomorrow and you'll see it on the Schedule tab starting tomorrow
- If the schedule you are updating does not have any completed items today, then the change becomes effective the same day

How to Suspend a Schedule

Be on the Home tab and then tap the "Schedules" button in the bottom right corner of the toolbar. Tap the schedule you'd like to edit.

To suspend a schedule, tap the schedule you'd like to suspend and then tap the "Suspend" button at the bottom of a schedule to end the schedule.

If you have already completed an item today for that schedule, the schedule will still appear today and will end tomorrow.

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