Can't open app after updating

If you are having trouble opening the Sprout Baby app after updating the app from the App Store, please do the following to get your app back up and working again. This will delete the app and re-install it from the app store and you'll get reconnected to your backup. If you experience any issues after doing this, please contact us at

Steps to delete and re-install the app: 

  • Hold the app icon for a few seconds until it wiggles
  • Press the small "x" button on the icon the delete the app from your device
  • On your device, open Apple's "App Store" app then go to Updates > Purchased (listed at the top of the page) and find our app and then install it
  • Open the app and re-enter your information (you may or may not have to do this step) and continue

Please note: The app may need several minutes to sync all your entries. If you can, please be on a Wi-Fi connection and do not let the device go to sleep during this process.


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