How do I share a profile / invite caregivers?

The article below is for sharing a profile using our Sprout Care medication and health log tracker app.

If you are using Sprout Baby, please see this Help Center article on how to join and sync devices.


With Sprout Care, it’s easy to share and invite a family member or caregiver to sync with your app in real time.

To share a profile, please follow these steps:

  1. Tap the profile button in the top left corner of the app
  2. Tap the Share button under the profile of the profile you'd like to share
  3. Choose how you’d like to send the invitation (Message or Mail)

The person you invited will receive an invite via email or text message to join the profile you shared. Once they accept, they will automatically be synced with the profile shared with them.

The person who shared the profile is considered the Owner of the profile and the Owner manages all access to the shared profile. The Owner can check the sharing status of a profile at any time by tapping the Profile button from any screen within Sprout Care > Edit and then tap the profile and Sharing.

If the Owner has purchased a Premium subscription, their purchase will transfer to the person that is being invited to use the app. Only one subscription is required when adding other family members or caregivers.

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